broiling: it's the new grilled cheeseburger

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If there is one thing we love around here, it's a good old-fashioned homemade burger that has been seasoned to perfection, thrown on the grill, and topped with cheddar cheese.  Even my daughter, who is a self-proclaimed vegetarian (at six!), will eat one.

It's the one thing all six of us are guaranteed to eat. What I love about this, is that even though we are all eating the same burger, our toppings are tailored to our individual preferences. There's nothing like a burger bar!

The problem that we have been facing lately, is rain. Yes, I know that, "it never rains in Southern California," but it does, it has, and lately that seems like the only weather we've got. So I've turned to the broiler so that we can still enjoy our favorite meal.

It's no secret that I'm obsessed with broiling. Since I cook, at a minimum, for six— any method that allows me to make multiple servings at once while imparting a huge flavor burst in the quickest amount of time is a winning method.  Broiling does that, and so much more. It melts what you want it to melt, it roasts what you want it to roast, sears what you want it to sear, and allows you to do things, you simply can't do any other way.

Which brings me to my new favorite way of grilling burgers - broiling them. In a word? Ah-mazing! But don't just take my word for it, the whole family has converted. We are all staunchly on team broil.



trader joe’s onion salt, pour a large amount in a bowl, so you can grab what you need for each burger, without getting raw meat all over your kitchen  

3 lbs grassfed hamburger meat

enough cheddar cheese for each burger (approximately 12)

hamburger buns


Combine hamburger meat together to form patties that are about an inch and a half thick and slightly larger that the size of your bun. Press your thumb in the center to form a slight depression. This stops your burger from puffing up and creates a patty that will not become too small for your bun during the cooking process.

Turn the broiler on high (550 degrees), and place the top shelf about 4 inches from the top.

Line the inside of a broiler pan with tin foil. Lay your burger patties out on the top of the broiler pan. They can be placed close to one another, but don't allow them to touch. Using a very heavy hand (remember these are large patties, and you are seasoning the outside, yet also flavoring the inside) sprinkle the onion salt all over each burger, making sure to season both sides.

Broil on high for five minutes, or until burgers have browned. Flip burgers over and broil on high for an additional 4 minutes. Top with cheese slices and broil for one additional minute- making sure to keep a close eye on the oven - cheese can go from perfectly melty to burnt in a matter of seconds when it's under the broiler.     

Create a topping bar with all of your favorites.

Ours typically include: lettuce, tomato, avocado, relish, ketchup, and mustard-- for the classic backyard burger.