spring salmon tartare gribiche salad

So, in case you aren’t familiar, a gribiche is a french cold egg sauce. Basically like a hard boiled egg salad, with the flavors of a tartare. Which of course lends itself perfectly to raw salmon.

Years back, there was a similar dish on the menu at george’s, where they added in asparagus… and the extra hit of flavor stuck with me.

So as I was working this spring/summer salad out, i knew I wanted to compliment it with asparagus. Flavor bomb, hello.

What’s great about this dish is its versitility. It can be served as a traditional tartare appetizer. Double or tripple it and serve atop lettuce leaves for a potluck or brunch buffet. And my personal favorite? In between two pieces of crustless white bread with strips of asparagus as an elegant tea sandwich.


2 asparagus spears

2 hardboiled egg yolks, chopped

1 1/2 tsp dijon mustard

1 1/2 Tbsp avocado oil

2 Tbs white wine vinegar

1/2 lbs sashimi grade salmon, diced

1/2 Tbsp chopped capers

1 Tbsp chopped cornishons

2 tsp minced parsley

1/2 Tbsp minced tarragon

1 hard boiled egg white, chopped

1 pinch salt


Bring a pot of water to a boil.

Peel asaparagus into long strips.

Blanch in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove strips to an ice water bath to stop cooking. Set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks, dijon, avocado oil, and vinegar until fully combined.

Add in the rest of the ingredients and stir gently to combine and fully coat with sauce.