focaccia di recco

There’s focaccia, and then there is focaccia di recco. And focaccia di recco is not your typical focaccia. Instead, it’s a non rising dough, rolled paper thin (like so thin you can see through it), then dolluped with crescenzia cheese, and topped with another layer of dough.

It’s brushed with olive oil, topped with finishing salt — both before and after baking — cooked over a pizza stone, and is one of the best things you will ever eat.


2 cups pizza dough

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup water

4 Tbsp evoo

1/4 lb crescezia cheese


maldon salt


Combine flour, 1 tsp salt, water, and 4 Tbsp evoo together in a stand mixer using a dough hook for 2 1/2 minutes.

Dough will fall apart.

Use hands to knead back together in bowl.

Continue to mix with dough hook for about 5 minutes until all together.

Let rest for 2 hours at room temperature.

Place a pizza stone in the middle of the oven. Preheat oven to 500.

Separate dough into two balls.

Roll each ball out so thin you can see through it. Lift and place first sheet on a 14 inch round pizza pan.

Place dollops of crescezia all over dough.

Lay second sheet of dough over cheese.

Use a knife to cut off excess dough.

Pinch layers together on the edges.

Use a knife to cut slits in top layer for venting.

Drizzle with evoo and a sprinkle of maldon salt.

Place pan on top of pizza stone. Bake for about 10 minutes, checking to make sure dough doesn’t burn, but just turns a golden brown.

Remove from oven and drizzle with evoo and another sprinkle of salt.

Cut in pie shaped wedges.

Eat while hot.