easy peppermint bark

When I tell you nothing could be easier. I mean, that absolutely nothing could be easier than making homemade peppermint bark.

It’s ridiculously easy. At least my version is.

Which is a good thing because my kids basically devour an entire batch within hours of making it.


8 oz milk chocolate

8 oz white chocolate

1/4 cup crushed candy canes


Line a 8 x 11 pan or dish with parchment paper.

In a glass bowl, melt milk chocolate in microwave for 1 1/2 minutes, removing and stirring after every 30 seconds.

Pour chocolate onto parchment paper, use a spatula to even out.

Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.

In a glass bowl, melt white chocolate in microwave for 1 1/2 minutes, removing and stirring after every 30 seconds.

Pour chocolate on top of hardened milk chocolate, using a spatula to even out.

Sprinkle candy cane pieces all over white chocolate.

Use your hand to gently press candy pieces into chocolate.

Refrigerate for at least an hour until solid.

Break into pieces. Store in fridge so pieces keep their shape and don’t melt.