avy's favorite smoothie

I don’t know about you, but I have a smoothie obsessed kiddo. I kid you not, she has at least one a day. Luckily for me, this is the most food forward kiddo I have, in terms of being self-sufficient in the kitchen. So, it wasn’t too hard for her to take over the smoothie production all on her own.

She loves experimenting with different types of juices, fruits, amounts, etc. And this? Is her favorite combo at the moment.


1 banana, broken into chunks

7 medium strawberries, stems removed

6 blackberries

10 ice cubes

2/3 cup of orange juice


Our vitamix has a smoothie setting, so she just hits that, and voila, the perfect smoothie. If you don’t have that setting, just use a vitamix or other blender, and let it go until everything is combined, and well… smooth.

Photo Credit: Avy