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heirloom tomatoes with stracciatella and roasted shallot vin

One of the very best things about living in southern california is that we pretty much have excellent tomatoes year round. Tons of heirloom tomatoes abound.

Which is good, because they are basically my favorite fruit.

Recently the caprese salad has had a renaissance reformation. No longer is it about tomatoes and mozzarella. It’s not even about burrata anymore. Nope. It is now stracciatella’s time to shine.

In case you didn’t know, stracciatella is the inside of burrata, basically all the yummy softness with out the outside rind.

And in this case you don’t really need much more than the salad, fresh tomatoes, and my roasted shallot dressing. Seriously perfection on a plate.


spring mix lettuce

4 heirloom tomatoes, cut into wedges

handful of basil leaves

8 oz stracciatella

roasted shallot vinaigrette


Place a bed of spring mix lettuce on a platter. Top with tomatoes, stracciatella, and basil. Drizzle with dressing.