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salsa roja

Heat advisory.

This salsa has a kick.

It’s less of a chip and dip session salsa, and more of a pour over burrito and taco salsa. Think taqueria salsa cups that come on the side of your late night burrito.

It’s hot, but a good heat.


2 chilis de arbol

4 vine ripe tomatoes, halved

1 jalepeno

1/2 sweet onion

2 cloves of garlic

1 Tbsp cilantro leaves

juice of 1 lime

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1/4 cup water


Toast chilis, tomatoes, jalepeno, garlic (in skin), and onion over medium heat in a cast iron skillet.

Once vegetables have started to char remove them from heat.

Place the toasted chilis in a cup of warm water for 15 minutes to rehydrate.

Remove skin from garlic. Add all to a blender.

Add juice, salt, pepper, cilantro and water.

Blend until fully combined and puréed.

To make milder, you can remove seeds from jalepeno before adding. And/or eliminate all together.