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quick tip: crispy celery

As we’ve previously discussed, we are part of a CSA. Once a week we get a jumbo box of fresh and locally sourced vegetables. I also supplement with specific recipe driven vegetables, and stock a fridge full of foods for a family of six that includes two always starving teens, and two mostly starving tweens. All that to say, our fridge is often busting at the seams.

For this reason, we don’t always have enough room in the fruit and vegetable drawers to hold all of our fruits and vegetables. Often times, veggies are relegated to being out in the open shelving. As such, certain veggies don’t always stay as crisp as one would like.

Celery is one of those vegetables. It can get decidedly bendy.

But never fear. There is an easy fix. If your celery gets bendy, don’t throw it away. Simply cut it to fit a lidded container (mason jars are my choice), and top with cold water. After 24 hours, your celery will regain its crisp sturdiness.

This is also a great way to store your celery from the jump if you so desire, with no concerns of bendiness in sight — just change out your water every few days.